Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeSportsRunning and Endurance SportsNewbie Notes: The Running Community

Newbie Notes: The Running Community

Now that you’re starting to love running, the next big question mark that would cross your mind is, “What’s next for me? ”

You’ve been joining fun runs every month, constantly hitting the pavement, understanding running jargon, and investing in the right (and quite expensive) running gear. Heck, you’re even looking forward to feeling pain when your training calls for intervals and speed sessions. 

But something is still missing.

And just when you think that that missing piece is something that can be bought over TikTok or Shopee, you come across your run buddy with a shiny, new Dri-FIT singlet with some group name emblazoned front and center.

Then it hits you: “What if I join a running club?”

Welcome to the world of running, where finding a community that’s just as obsessed with the sport as you are comes with the blessings of pizza parties, more expensive gear, maximum motivation, and free training programs from veteran members. 

We all know that we Filipinos would rather stay with our parents even if we have our own families. It’s not that we don’t want to or can’t afford to move out, but it’s the sense of belongingness that makes us want to stay with the people that we can just be ourselves (plus the fact that Nanay makes a killer sinigang).

It’s the same feeling when a runner is part of a running club. Or group. Or community. No matter how you would describe it, nothing can beat having a bunch of people who share the same passion for running and loading carbohydrates and protein a day or two before a big race. 

Think of your running group as your ever-reliable alarm clock that wakes you up at 4 AM every weekend for long runs. Or that member who has practically everything, from a hydration pack, headlamps, and the perfect diet plan—they would even pack bananas or salt sticks just in case somebody gets a happy dose of cramps on kilometer 32 of their LSD. 

Running groups are your cheerleaders (aside from your family and loved ones, of course). They will celebrate when you finish your first marathon, make you smile when you’ve “hit the wall” and decided to call it quits, and some will even go the extra mile to personally smother you with petroleum jelly when chafing becomes unbearable. 

They don’t discriminate, either. It doesn’t matter if you’re the slowest runner in the pack, the struggling one who just can’t get that coveted sub-1 hour on their 10K, or the seasoned marathoner with boxes of medals at home; running groups open their doors even to your pet dog. 

Running can be a lonely sport: imagine putting one foot in front of the other for two hours without someone to talk to besides that little voice in your head. 

Now think of having someone who is willing to join your daily runs, match your pace, hand you already lukewarm water when you’re about to pass out, and remind you to pause your fitness tracker from time to time. 

It’s more fun to run when you’re not alone. From laughing that causes more side stitches to countless high-fives and lechon nights, your run tribe will always be behind you.

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